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Help !

Posted: Tue 26. Nov 2013 20:21
by Pussywagon
Hello everybody !

I'm french and i will try to speak english correctly!
i would like to build a track for magracing in my garage! I inquired for slot racing but i didn't like the fact that it's not realist !

I think magracing concept is better than slot!

Before begining the construction i have few questions!

Which width for 3 lines race?

Can we make a bend in pin?
Which space its need between the 2 wires?
Which paint have to use on the covered in plaster ?

Could you post some pictures of various stages of your own constructions please?

Thanks !!

Could you answer to me in french please....... lol


Re: Help !

Posted: Fri 29. Nov 2013 17:58
by prime05
Trust me, three lanes is not needed with this system. Takes away from the whole point of the racing really. Try to keep your first build simple. I think a lot of people on here tried to get too extravagant with their tracks and have since gotten frustrated and given up. These cars drive fairly realistic, so you want to make the track easier to drive, otherwise you and your friends will find it too difficult until you learn how to drive them. Takes practice, but having a blast. Way better than slots or rc cars.

Re: Help !

Posted: Wed 11. Dec 2013 19:38
by Pussywagon
Hello guys!

I received my order !
I'm trying to make a test but the car stop on the wire!! :cry:
I put the wire on the wood with some tape (you can see on the picture)


When the car touch the wire, she's stopped and the tires skate!
Nevertheless the wood is not so smoth.
It's as if the magnet is too powerfull.....
Do you understand what i want to say?

What is the problem?
Do you have any idea?

Re: Help !

Posted: Wed 11. Dec 2013 20:28
by Lasp
You have to adjust the hight of the magnet!
You do that with skreewing the nuts in centre!

I have make a sheet with two different hight soo its easy too adjust!

Good luck and fast racing / Lasp

Re: Help !

Posted: Wed 11. Dec 2013 21:51
by Pussywagon
Oh. :respect
I hadn't seen this possibility !

Thanks you are a hero.... ;)

I want to build a track which can fold up on the wall!
I have 3 x 1,7 m .

Good night ! 8-)

Re: Help !

Posted: Thu 12. Dec 2013 23:11
by WesR
Hi Sylvain, The wire should be exactly flush/level with the track surface. The cars are adjusted here correctly and should need very little adjustment. Rather your track needs adjustment so that the wire is level. The magnet must not touch the wire.
It is true that any steel wire of the right guage would work but we prefer the piano/music wire because it is less likely to kink and it lays much flatter on the baseboard.

Re: Help !

Posted: Fri 13. Dec 2013 11:39
by Keld
bonjour Sylvain

and welcome, sorry I don't speak french, only visit France 8 times :)

as WesR say, you can't test the system only tape the wire on the track, the wire is 0,7 mm and you need a 1 mm gap from the car to the wire.

if you make the distance higher (putting the wire longer down in the track) the car will loose contact.
if you make the distance shorter (laying wire above track) the car will have too much gauge and slow down or stop the car, dependng on the grip between track surface and tires.

when planning the track, think of this, IRL you have a track and all cars are normally driving the same lane around the track.

cars overtaking each other in one of these way:
1.) break late before corners, slip streaming on the straight, change lane and break late, force the other car to take outside in the corner.
2.) getting better grip out of the corner, and driving thru on the straight

a.) planning the track as a 2 lane track, think if 2 cars went together they will race side by side
b.) and having race line all over the track, think if I drive this alone I will race it like this.
c.) think breaking late, how can i make extra lane change for this
d.) looking at the track plan, do you now think there are enough lane change, keep in mind that you can't have to many either, and they need to be on a straight with a piece of straight before so the cars driving forward and not sideways.
you must have a fair change to take another line than the opponent, and make the lane change long, so the car can drive fast over them.

MagRacing is great, but you probably need to make more than one track before it works right.

I dropped my last track plan it was to ambitious, and had to much else to do, one of the sons bought a apartment and then we had to fix that, and the his old room has to be office/work room for me and my wife, and this is just finished, so now I have a space here at home to build modules for a track.
So my new plan is a module track only 10 pieces 122 x 61 cm to the standard track, and extra straight modules.
all modules with own legs and easy to set up and take down for transport.

Re: Help !

Posted: Fri 13. Dec 2013 20:58
by Pussywagon
It's cool to have your opinions of your experience!

I'm happy because i understand almost all what you say. :thumpup :yes

Ok for only 2 lanes!

Yesterday i covered of plastered my little's ok!!! The car follows correctly the wire!
Taping the wire is not enough for testing!

So today i bought my baseboard . 3m x 1,70m .... My garage is full :twisted:


Re: Help !

Posted: Sat 14. Dec 2013 10:07
by Lasp
Very good.
Its take time too learn, remeber that WesR have used many year to master it!

So work hard, soo we have something to see next time in Pauillac or Bergerac ;-)
or even Cadillac! We Love the hole Dordogne area!

Re: Help !

Posted: Sun 15. Dec 2013 00:03
by Pussywagon
Dordogne and lot are beatifull places!!! You can see le" gouffre de padirac" , rocamadour and a lot of medievals villages ! :shock:

Today i bought the dremel saw.
But i have a question.
How can i put the lane changes? :?: :?:

The baseboard is ready!
It is heavy and it's difficult to fold up it against the wall alone.... :oops:
But i would like to play at minimum 2 persons.

Good night.... ;)