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My first test track build in 30 mins... lessons learned! :-)

Posted: Fri 4. Jan 2013 23:43
by gregba
Hi all,

I have been reading all the posts, and watching all the post YouTubes with great interest, and this evening had a spare 30 mins to try out laying some wire and giving my car a test run.

Below is a pic of a recent Carrera Digital layout I used for my XMAS Race Night with my pals, I use four 4ft by 8ft hardboard sheets painted green to lay my track on. I simply used one of these boards for my test track, and stuck the wire to the reverse side.


I started by using Bostik Contact Adhesive, and gluing one end of the wire to the board, I used Wes's tried and trusted old paint pots to hold the wire in place whilst the glue dried, which worked really well.


I thought I could then just glue at intervals (approx 20cm apart) along the wire, and then glue the end, and move onto next piece of wire.

WRONG!!! When the glue had dried enough to test the car (approx 5-10 mins) I found that the magnet on the guide on the bottom of the car simply lifted the wire between the glued parts, and caused the car to get stuck.

So LESSON 1, make sure you glue the wire completely to the board from end to end.

I did this simply by running the nozzle of the glue along the side of the wire, and it moved the wire a little out of place as I did so, then when the wire moved back into place it had glue under it, I also ran my finger along to spread the glue in well.


Another TIP, I will use rubber gloves next time, the thin surgical type, still picking the glue off now! :-)

Couldn't resist to show couple of pics of my beloved first MAGracing chassis! :-)

Isn't she gorgeous!

Ok, so after only 30 mins, here are a couple of videos, showing the wire I laid (glued end to end) and a quick test of the car!

Test run 1

Love the fact the tail steps out as I come onto the straight!

Test run 2

Final comments, its interesting being a slot car racer, that the power is not immediate with a MAGracer, however its much more lifelike, as you have to feed the power, simply applying full throttle spins the wheels and leads to a slow getaway, cannot wait to race these beauties!!! :-)

Will complete my oval and add an inner lane, then look at adding a couple of racingline lane change plates!

Re: My first test track build in 30 mins... lessons learned!

Posted: Sat 5. Jan 2013 03:05
by Nor Cal Mike
Great video Greg. Thanks for sharing it with us. It is great to see all of these mag cars running.

Re: My first test track build in 30 mins... lessons learned!

Posted: Wed 9. Jan 2013 18:32
by Leonabi76
Hey Greg, how goes the build? It seems simple, good job and looks smooth. However, since the wire was just laid and glued, did you experience any magnet-to-wire clearance issues?